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Billie Eilish is changing my mindset!

She may be newer to the scene of pop culture and music, but if you haven’t heard about her by now, you MUST be living under a rock. She is an 18-year-old singer, songwriter and musician and she has taken the music industry by storm this past year. She just became the youngest person and first female to win the four main Grammy categories. Quite an accomplishment!! I am quite impressed and intrigued by this young lady.

I was first “introduced” to her by my young adult children last spring. My 21-year-old daughter was going to her concert. I had never heard of her before so I did not think much of it. However, when my 17-year-old son found out, it’s safe to say he was a tad but jealous.

That’s when I became curious.

I like to stay up on what’s popular and trending. Especially when it catches the interest of my kids. I never wanted to be the parent who lagged behind, never knowing pop-culture. Which brings us back to Billie. Like my children, I have become a fan but it got me thinking, what can I learn from this multi-talented young lady?

Forget perfectionism. Just start.

She records songs in her brother’s bedroom! For real! You don’t need to have the “latest and greatest”  at the beginning. Just start with what you have and build as you go. I can not tell you the amount of time I have thought about starting but didn’t because of all the BS excuses I’ve told myself about how or why I couldn’t. If I had only started when I first thought about starting…. I’d be so much farther ahead right now.

Forget About Blending In.

As a child, I was taught to “not rock the boat” and just blend in. However, things are so different now. Today we celebrate those who do not follow the crowd. If you want to stand out, you must be original. Billie was asked to describe herself in three words on a Soundbites episode. She replied “Not Everyone Else”. Defy convention.  It’s easy to just follow the crowd. But easy doesn’t get you very far sometimes.

Forget Failure.

Failure scares the crap out of me! To fail means I wasn’t prepared. Billie was quoted saying “I like Tyler the Creator a lot. He does anything he wants, really, and doesn’t care if it works out or not, which I totally, completely admire.” in Teen Vogue magazine. I love this and something that I am learning to adopt myself. Failure is not a bad thing, it’s a learning thing.

You have a conscious choice every moment to choose a different path.

As a woman in the middle, I have learned that I can be very stuck in my mindset and belief systems. Changing them has not been easy but it’s something I work on every single day. Holding on to old belief systems will keep you exactly where you are. The thoughts and decisions you make on a daily basis ultimately control your success in life. Mindset is key but nothing will change without action.

And so, here I am. Working past my fears of failure and worrying about what other people may think of me. Pushing past my need for perfectionism and having everything figured out before I start. Putting my thoughts and opinions into blog posts and putting myself “out there” for the world to see.

Kick your limiting beliefs to the curb. Chase your dreams. Live your best life.

We learn our belief systems as very little children, and then we move through life creating experiences to match our beliefs. Look back in your own life and notice how often you have gone through the same experience.

Louise L. Hay