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It’s official!! I’ve finally finished my courses and I am now a Certified Master Life Coach! After a couple of years of hard work and learning, I am ready to take on clients and create some group programs.

I will support “women in the middle”. Women who are at the mid stage of life and are struggling with this new chapter in life and what their role is now.

Let’s be real, you’ve spent the last couple of decades raising your family, and maybe worked part time or full time outside of the home while doing so.

You forget how to put yourself first.

You feel like something is missing. You’re becoming an empty-nesters and you’re feeling some emotions you weren’t expecting. You feel like there has to be more to life. You are ready for a change but you have no idea where to start.

If this sounds like you, please reach out. I would love to help. 💕 Either send me a DM or email me at

I look forward to hearing from you!